Low height closed circuit coolers with centrifugal fans are the best solution where space is limited, especially in height. They are often designed with a vertical air intake where the installation is in a well. They are often designed with a vertical air intake where the installation is in a well.
They differ from evaporative towers in the use of a heat exchange battery for the primary process fluid.
Having a machine with the process fluid inside a heat exchange coil allows the primary fluid not to be “dirtied” by sediments or microparticles present in the water. The presence of the heat exchange coil also makes it possible to use glycolised process water where the system requires it.
Key points for choosing an evaporative cooler instead of an evaporative tower:
Le macchine tipo RCR, raffreddatori evaporativi centrifughi a profilo ribassato, sono costruite ed assemblate in accordo al nostro sistema di qualità certificato ISO 9001.
All our machines are built as standard in Magnelis®, it is an eco-sustainable alloy made up of 93.5% zinc, 3.5% aluminum and 3% magnesium. The percentage of magnesium allows the self-repair process after cutting and punching operations and protects deformed surfaces. Another characteristic is the corrosion resistance, superior even in environments rich in chloride and ammonia. The maximum workability and greater resistance, compared to other materials, allows the use of a smaller quantity of metal coating and therefore a greater lightness of the machines.
The standard unit is built with Magnelis® (steel, zinc, aluminium, magnesium) ZM310 type sheet metal panels to ensure maximum surface protection empirically comparable to a galvanized sheet metal with over 1000 g/m2 of zinc. The individual panels, following the cutting and folding phase, are assembled with AISI 304 (A2-70) or on request AISI 316 (A4-80) stainless steel small parts and highly adhesive butyl mastic gasket reinforced with polyester mesh inside to guarantee great shape stability and resistance to temperature variations. No welding is required in the various stages of assembly of the structure (self-supporting). The color of the sheet metal type Magnelis® is RAL 9006.
Louvers are in PVC with special dual flow design in order to eliminate the sun light into the water basin, possible residue/leafage or accidental water leakage. Positioned on the four sides of the unit, louvers can be completely removed to allow an easy access to the basin during maintenance.
The basin section is built with a thick Magnelis® ZM310 sheet metal structure and is equipped with of removable anti-cavitation type filter in AISI 304L (to protect the primary circuit pump) and water make-up valve with brass/stainless steel body and floating sphere in stainless steel or polypropylene. The configuration of the basin is such as to allow the reduction of the volume of water and therefore a lower weight during operation. The surface of the basin is inclined to allow complete drainage and emptying in case of maintenance, avoiding water stagnation and preventing bacteriological development. All machine connections are made of galvanized steel (AISI 304L on request).
La serpentina di scambio termico standard è realizzata in tubi lisci (in opzione alettati) di acciaio al carbonio (AISI 304L su richiesta) di opportuni diametro e spessore e piegata seguendo la nostra geometria proprietaria. Il tutto viene zincato a bagno caldo in accordo alla norma UNI EN ISO 1461:2009 per garantire una perfetta tenuta alla corrosione. Successivamente la serpentina viene collaudata in conformità alla normativa PED-CE.
Le macchine vengono fornite con la serpentina pre-caricata con azoto alla pressione di 3 bar.
The water is uniformly distributed by a piping system inside the machine made of PVC with a Magnelis® sheet metal distribution box >. The spray nozzles are of the non-clogging type, of medium and large diameter, in ABS and easily replaceable in case of maintenance.
I ventilatori centrifughi sono realizzati in acciaio zincato del tipo a pale avanti e sono staticamente e dinamicamente bilanciati. I ventilatori sono montati su un albero in acciaio verniciato supportato da cuscinetti a sfere auto-allineanti posti alle estremità, con supporti in ghisa. Le reti di protezione del ventilatore sono in acciaio zincato posizionate in accordo alla più recente normativa sulla sicurezza. I motori, classe di efficienza IE3, con protezione meccanica IP55, classe di isolamento F, servizio continuo S1 e forma B3, sono montati su robuste slitte regolabili in acciaio zincato e collocati in posizione protetta dagli agenti atmosferici. La trasmissione del moto è a mezzo di cinghie trapezoidali, calcolate al 150% della potenza nominale. I motori sono idonei ad essere accoppiati a variatori di frequenza (VSD-Inverter) 30-50Hz. I motori sono in accordo alla normativa CE 2019/1781. I morsetti di collegamento elettrico e di collegamento di eventuali optional (scaldiglia anticondensa e termistore ptc) sono racchiusi all’interno della scatola morsettiera del motore elettrico.
Drift eliminators are made in PVC (PP on request) and divided in various sections to facilitate their removal in case of replacement or inspection of ventilation and water distribution system. The used drift eliminators allow a passage of drops equal to 0.001% of the droplets present at the entrance, removing water loss, potential aerosols drift that might contain Legionella bacteria.
All components are supplied assembled. Each unit, before delivery, is subjected to hydraulic testing, to ensure that there are no water leaks in the tank, and electrical to check that the electric motors have an absorption in line with the plate data.
Catalog list.

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